Competitive Cycling for Life (Staging)
Don't miss the forthcoming VTTA Yorkshire Lunch and Prize Presentation. Collect your group trophies, awards and national BAR certificates etc or even just come along to catch up with your friends. It's at our usual venue, The Bridge Hotel at Walshford, and we are pleased to have VTTA National President Tony Farrell as our Guest of Honour. This could be the highlight of your social season.
Get your bookings in to Mike Williams as soon as possible, using the menu/order form here. If you don't have a cheque book you can now pay by bank transfer by emailing Mike your order form together with a note that you want to pay by transfer, he will contact you with the necessary payment information.
For further information or to order contact Mike Williams, 10 Manor Garth, Skidby, Cottingham HU16 5UF
Email Phone 01482 849264 Mobile 07740282862