Competitive Cycling for Life (Staging)
If you are over 40, ride a bike and live around parts of Dorset, Hampshire, Wiltshire, West Sussex & Surrey, Isle of Wight or the Channel Islands then the Wessex group may be right for you.
For the Wessex group you can join online on this website or you can download and post the application form to the Membership Secretary (see details below) with a note that you have made the payment of your membership fee by bank transfer.
Membership fees for 2022 are:- Individual £16.00 and Joint £19.00
The Bank details are
Lloyds Bank plc
Sort Code: 30 91 92
Account No 70907468
For current members please provide your membership number with your payment
Cheques should be made payable to
Veterans Time Trials Association (Wessex Group)
Please don't abbreviate the above